My exploration character is where I have the most fun in EVE. 99% of all my exploration is for Data and Relic sites. Good sites can give up to and over 45mil isk. I've had a couple rarer payouts of 80mil in a single site but most average about 15-20mil isk.
100% of my exploration is in Nullsec. Highsec and Lowsec are not worth my time at this point. Both are great if you are new and just starting out with exploration but the goal should be Nullsec for this activity.
My exploration toon uses the following skills
Module and Efficiency Skills:
Archaeology V -- For the Tech 2 Relic Analyzer
Hacking V -- For the Tech 2 Data Analyzer
Astrometrics IV
Astrometric Rangefinding III
Astrometric Pinpointing III
Astrometric Acquisition II
Survey III
I've tried a couple builds but this is the one I've settled on and I feel is the most productive using my skills. (Image Link)
High Slots
╚ Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
╚ Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher (with Sisters Core Scanner Probes)
╚ 4 Utilities - Put in salvagers for the odd wrecks you may find, put tractors on it to pull them in if you want. I've seen people use energy neuts in case they get caught.
Medium Slots
╚ Scan Pinpointing Array I
╚ Scan Rangefinding Array I
╚ Scan Acquisition Array I
╚ Cargo Scanner II
╚ Data Analyzer II
╚ Relic Analyzer II
╚ Experimental 10MN Microwarp Drive I
Low Slots
╚ Warp Core Stabilizer II x2
╚ Memetic Algorithm Bank I
╚ Emission Scope Sharpener I
╚ Interdiction Nullifier -- MUST HAVE FOR NULLSEC
╚ Covert Reconfiguration -- MUST HAVE FOR NULLSEC
╚ Augmented Capacitor Reservoir
╚ Amplification Node
╚ Emergent Locus Analyzer -- Great for exploration! +10% Virus strength to Relic / Data Analyzers ╚ and -99% CPU for Probe Launcher!
I've got all my subsystem skills for Caldari at IV right now. V takes a while and if you lose a ship, it sucks to lose that much skill time.
This ship will get you through a lot of hostile places but don't be dumb. I don't scan where there are people in system. I cloak up if someone jumps into system while I'm hacking. I'm careful.
I'll post more later. Going to bed for now.
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