Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wow, Crazy stuff happening in the past few days.

I was approached by another player whom I had flown with about 7 months ago.  I was surprised he remembered me but he did! He saw that I was going to start up a corporation and asked if I wanted to be a director in his nullsec corp.  His corp is in an alliance (with SOV) and is part of the goons coalition.  I accepted his offer.  My combat / exploration toon is now acting as a nullsec director.  Fun times!

Sunday, August 24, 2014

It's been a busy couple of days this weekend.  The ddos is finally over and I managed to sell the remaining inventory I had so I am now at 1.1bil isk and some change.  I haven't done much exploration at all though because of RL commitments.

Though I'm at 1.1bil ISK I always have in the back of my mind that I have to plex this account so that drops it by 800mil and takes me to just about 300mil isk.  I still have 10 days on my plex though and if I keep up my current pace I'll make another 1bil by then anyway.  Not a big deal but we'll see, as always, how it goes.

Side Note:

I'm also considering starting a highsec industrial corp.  I'm tossing the idea around in my head.  My trading character can also fly a Hulk and an Orca with fleet boosters so I can get that going asap if I decide to do it.  Everyone mining likes boosts.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Short post for now.

Good News!!  I managed to sell most of the items I purchased a few days ago.  This puts me at $1,014,399,414.97 ISK.  I passed the 1bil mark!

Also, I've been doing some reading about other ways to make ISK.  I'll make a post about it shortly. 

Friday, August 22, 2014

Did some exploration a touch last night and this morning.  The server issues were causing me lots of trouble with my probes and such.  Because of this, I didn't do as much as I had hoped.  That said, I found about 150 mil isk worth of loot, putting me back to 810mil isk in my wallet and 600mil isk in sell orders.  This totals to 1.4bil isk now, problem is the sell orders are still there from last night and haven't sold.  Perhaps I was too quick to buy those items for resale.  Time will tell.

I did get lucky with one can this morning.  Sometimes things just work out!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wasn't going to post this soon again but I stumbled upon a market flub.

A player had, what seems as if, attempted to sell 500-600 Occult Augmentation to buy orders.  The buy orders filled and the market automatically put up 433 sell orders at just a little above the next buy order price.  The difference between the buy and sell order is about 980k isk per unit.  I went ahead an purchased ALL 433 of the sell orders at a price of 562,000 and reposted them at the price of 1,498,999.99 per unit.  This should profit me around 405mil isk before taxes.  This is kind of an impulse buy as well but the average traded per day is still above my total for sale.  Ideally all my stock will be gone in 2-3 days if not today.

We'll see how it goes.  Either way, I'll have to bust my ass if I'm planning on hitting 1b tonight!  (not gonna happen) That said, if ALL my stock sells I'll be at 1.2b ISK

For anyone who has trouble logging to to EVE today from any ddos'ers, the easiest way is to do this.

I'll post more tonight but for now, I'm waiting for everything to blow over.  Not in the mood to lose a tengu in nullsec due to ddos'ers.

Fly safe all.

OH.  Also - I'm at $904,340,200.38 ISK right now.  Should be at 1bil by the end of tonight!

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

I spent the evening doing exploration.  I did it for about an hour and a half and came away with 203mil ISK.

The sites I hit were as follows

Relic - 10.3m
Relic - 5.7m
Data - 11.1m
Relic - 16.3m
Relic - 37.3m
Relic - 76.3m
Relic - 7m
Data - 11m
Relic -  28m

Total: 203mil ISK not including BPC's

I only had an hour and a half so I had to be quick about it.  Last night I logged off in nullsec so I'd be ready to start tonight.

On a side note, this toon only has 9.5 days left til Advanced Weapons Upgrades V is done.  That will be nice to have behind me.

Monday, August 18, 2014

My exploration character is where I have the most fun in EVE.  99% of all my exploration is for Data and Relic sites.  Good sites can give up to and over 45mil isk.  I've had a couple rarer payouts of 80mil in a single site but most average about 15-20mil isk.

100% of my exploration is in Nullsec.  Highsec and Lowsec are not worth my time at this point.  Both are great if you are new and just starting out with exploration but the goal should be Nullsec for this activity.

My exploration toon uses the following skills

Module and Efficiency Skills:
Archaeology V  -- For the Tech 2 Relic Analyzer
Hacking V  -- For the Tech 2 Data Analyzer
Astrometrics IV
Astrometric Rangefinding III
Astrometric Pinpointing III
Astrometric Acquisition II
Survey III

 I've tried a couple builds but this is the one I've settled on and I feel is the most productive using my skills.  (Image Link)

High Slots
╚ Covert Ops Cloaking Device II
╚ Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher (with Sisters Core Scanner Probes)
╚ 4 Utilities - Put in salvagers for the odd wrecks you may find, put tractors on it to pull them in if you want.  I've seen people use energy neuts in case they get caught.

Medium Slots
╚ Scan Pinpointing Array I
╚ Scan Rangefinding Array I
╚ Scan Acquisition Array I
╚ Cargo Scanner II
╚ Data Analyzer II
╚ Relic Analyzer II
╚ Experimental 10MN Microwarp Drive I

Low Slots
╚ Warp Core Stabilizer II x2

╚ Memetic Algorithm Bank I
╚ Emission Scope Sharpener I

╚ Interdiction Nullifier -- MUST HAVE FOR NULLSEC
╚ Covert Reconfiguration -- MUST HAVE FOR NULLSEC
╚ Augmented Capacitor Reservoir
╚ Amplification Node
╚ Emergent Locus Analyzer -- Great for exploration! +10% Virus strength to Relic / Data Analyzers ╚ and -99% CPU for Probe Launcher!

I've got all my subsystem skills for Caldari at IV right now.  V takes a while and if you lose a ship, it sucks to lose that much skill time.

This ship will get you through a lot of hostile places but don't be dumb.  I don't scan where there are people in system.  I cloak up if someone jumps into system while I'm hacking.  I'm careful. 

I'll post more later.  Going to bed for now.

This blog is for anyone interested in following my trading and exploration in EVE.

My current goal is to get to 5bil ISK liquid while plexing my account each month.

To start things off, I'll list my skills on my trading character, ISK in wallet and market, plus any needed assets for my activities.

My trading character currently has the following

Trade skills:
Accounting V
Broker Relations IV
Daytrading IV
Margin Trading II
Marketing II
Procurement III
Retail II
Trade IV

Ships used:
Ibis (for small stuff), Tayra, Charon

ISK in wallet:  $680,898,218.64
Sell Orders Total: $51,011,673.00
Escrow: $12,721,809.00

My trading character also has manufacturing skills including Capital Ship construction II - we'll get to III eventually.

I currently trade out of the 5 primary trade hubs:  Jita, Dodixie, Amarr, Rens, and Hek
Out of those 5, Jita and Amarr are my 2 most used trade hubs because they are close to each other and make for short trips.

My trading is made up of 3 activities right now.

First is station trading.  Setting up buy orders and reselling them at a higher price in Jita 4-4

Second is finding trades that can make me some quick ISK.  I find low priced items in sell orders in Jita or Amarr and move them to the other station and sell them to buy orders.

This was one quick one I did earlier tonight

I profited about 8.2mil after taxes but the sale from the time I bought the items to the time I resold them was only 14 minutes.  Not too bad.

I'll get more into the other way I trade another time.
I'll also get into my exploration another time as well.